Home » » Wild Ones Weapon Combo hack Working September 2011

Wild Ones Weapon Combo hack Working September 2011

By: ZhinZhas

Download This Tools:

1. T-search : http://www.mediafire.com/?5iwuawaz5dtmc7y

How to Use:
[Note: By using this hack fist your account is member pet if you are not member this hack is not working]

                                                       It is Permanent Hack

1.Open Wild Ones
2.Open T-search
3.Click Open Process and chose your browser
4.Click Hex Editor 5 times
6.Click the A-B icon
   click [ Find What ] then type  [ list 1 ]
   click [ Replace With ] then type  [ list 3 ]
   then click [ Replace All ]
8.Then Reload
9.If the wild ones has start loading Click [ Replace All ],,,, if the wild ones done loading it wont working the                                                                        weapon hack..[ Make Sure you are Fast Hands to Use this Hack ]
10.Go to Shop click combos the buy.. [ Don't buy 1000 times it will make banned ]
11.Watch the Video for better tutorial
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  1. sry But could u tell me how to can i find A-B icon
    cuz i can't find it
    im new with t-search
    and after i click 5 time hex i cant find it
    plz answer me :)

  2. Im a member but for i cant identify which is the correct process. I tried every google chrome process- pressed hex editor 5times- clicked on a to b icon- then in the [find what] and [replace with] box, i cant type [list] into the box. but i can with the numbers. plz help me :/

  3. I got banned twice in the combo weapon hack.
    Huhuhu. Anybody knows how to UNBANNED WILDONES ACCOUNT.

  4. sir you said not more than 1000x when buying combo weapons.
    Why I got banned. I did not buy more than 1000x. I bought not more than 500x. Why I got banned.


  5. Chat me in facebook i gonna help you where is the A-B button Found

  6. y "T-search" is not opening in my pc it had a error like this
    or a got a mes. popping up like this
    "The application was unable to start corectly (0x000005). Click OK
    to close the application"
    im using Windows 7 32bit
    Thnks in advance

  7. try to right click the t-search aplication then go to Compability Tab then UnCheak [ Run this Program in COmpability Mode for ] if is not working cheak it and choose [ Windows 2000 ]

  8. is it working as of now??
    please answer thanks!

  9. Thanks a lot....but this hack is only changing the values of Ultimate Weapon Pack....rest of them remains the same.....and when I click on buy Ultimate Weapon Pack it does not buy it and comes on the previous screen

    Please Help..


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