1. Open BYM & CE
2. Choose your process,check asrom & change value type into array of bytes
3. Scan this code e8 3f 0b cd 09 83 c4 08
4. 1 address found,right click and disassemble
5. Below of the highlighted Opcode you'll see mov [ebx+54],eax right click and change character location
6. check EAX if you are using CE5.6.1 and input 000001
7. Click buildings and speed up and you've got repaired for free.
1. Open BYM & CE
2. Choose your process,check asrom & change value type into array of bytes
3. Scan this code 8b c8 8b 45 90 85 c9
4. 4 address found,choose the 3rd black address right click disassemble
5. Below the highlighted code Change mov ecx,[edx+000000E4] to mov ecx,[edx+000000D0] & change je to jg
6. Fortified!
1. open BYM & CE
2. check asrom & change the value type into array of bytes for CE5.6 & 6. for 6.1 make it executable
3. scan this code EB 1D 8B 50 08
4. 3 addresses found, choose the 1st black address right click the first black address & disassemble
5. like the old procedure Change the mov ecx,[edx+000000e0]to mov ecx,[edx+000000d0] & je to jg
1. open BYM & CE
2. check asrom & change the value type into array of bytes for CE5.6 & 6. for 6.1 make it executable
3. scan this code 85 C9 74 05 8B 45 08
4. 3 address found,choose the 2nd black address right click & disassemble
5. like the old procedure change je to jg
1. open BYM & CE
2. check asrom & change the value type into array of bytes for CE5.6 & 6. for 6.1 make it executable
3. scan this code 83 F8 02 75 15
4. 11 address found then choose the black address right click & disassemble
5. like the old procedure change jne to jb
1. open BYM & CE
2. check asrom & change the value type into array of bytes for CE5.6 & 6. for 6.1 make it executable
3. scan this code 74 25 8B 5D
4. 3 address found right click any of the 2 black address & disassemble
5. like the old procedure change je to jg
Not working in me. Any videos for this.
ReplyDeleteI have follow instructions but no success.
Much better the previous one you've posted sir.
Anyway Thanks for sharing.
i create a video for this hack
ReplyDeleteoriginal post here